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manifest press

film as poetry:

before stan brakhage was a filmmaker he was a poet. he saw jean cocteau’s orphee and realized that film could be a poetic medium.

the above refers to ms. deren. this was a revelation to me the first time i saw it. as was it to the film world. last semester i encountered an artist’s book called “from the book of legends” (p.s. i tried to find a worthy link to something about this book and i sadly came up with basically nothing save for its bare bones listing in granary’s catalog. visit a special collections near you to get your hands on it cause it’s enchanting) by a woman named jane brakhage (oh, yes, stan’s wife, er, former wife, she’s jane wodening again now). anyway, in it jane wrote these unreal myths about joseph cornell, charles olson, and deren. an amalgamation of “truthful” stories of nearby artists one admires and folkish/mythic storytelling.  o! the vortex.

just saw this for the first time yesterday, and lucky me it was a film print on the big screen. wish i had versions of these with english subtitles, alas…i am very intrigued by godard’s use of gesture. think i will be using him a lot in my coming thoughts/processes.